Felling Large Oak Tree - Kenny's Tree Removal


This Job Description:

We removed two red oaks and one sweet gum tree at this property in Wake County NC.

My videos are for entertainment ONLY. Please seek professional advice/training.

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Most Watched Tree Video On Youtube Over 6 million Views: https://youtu.be/WKSlUOYa4eo
5 MINUTES WITH Kenny SHOW Episodes:
Episode 1 How To Deal With Internet Trolls and Haters: https://youtu.be/8b2HxvKrhBI
Episode 2 Self Employed VS Employed: https://youtu.be/Ckb5Pviide8
Episode 3 Fears and Failures: https://youtu.be/hCKWKIhfPnE
Episode 4: You Got Questions I Got Answers: https://youtu.be/BQGxCYwMMw0
Episode 5: Answering Your Questions - Dealing With Tough Customers and more
Episode 6: Pricing Tree Work: https://youtu.be/o9lYxD7Rtz4
Episode 7:Sole Proprietorship vs LLC vs Corporation https://youtu.be/XK930imlWCg
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Kenny Sanchez is a small business owner and the founder of Kenny's Tree Removal, a tree service company specializing on the removal of dangerous trees, but also offering a wide range of tree services.

Kenny is also a father to 3 boys, an avid reader and loves editing videos. From a young age he enjoyed business and dealing with others, starting at 11 years old buying comic books and trading them for video games, to collecting aluminum cans and putting rocks in them to make them heavier for more money, to multiple business ventures over the years.

Kenny is the host of 5 Minutes With Kenny, a show we talk about business, marketing, life, tools, and much more. He answers your questions and talks about topics that matter to you.
Thank you for watching this video. I hope that you keep up with my daily videos I post on the channel, subscribe, and share if you find it valuable or entertaining. Love the comments, please keep them coming :)
Business Contact:

Kenny's Tree Removal, LLC
► 919-630-8728
► www.kennystreeremoval.com
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Winter Storms Cause Falling Trees

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